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5 Steps to Maintaining - Or Regaining - Parental Authority with Teens

​​​​​If you have an older child, you can't simply walk (or carry) him to time-out or physically confine him to his room when you have to give a consequence for negative behavior like you can with younger children.  So, what can you do to help your teen understand that you are in charge?

Make sure that you establish yourself as the family authority. 

The following are a few parenting tips to help:

  1. Create house rules; include a curfew and require your child to let you know where he is and who he is with when he goes out.  
  2. Clearly communicate these house rules when everyone's emotions are calm.
  3. Issue negative consequences for breaking house rules. 
  4. Give additional chores for breaking house rules.
  5. Reward desirable behavior with praise and privileges.

The key is consistency. Stick with it and you will be rewarded.