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​​​​​The Kindness Pledge

In a world where one out of every three kids has indicated that they've experienced bullying, I acknowledge that bullying is a real and serious problem that must be addressed. I want to do my part to counter this cultural trend by taking a stand today.

It starts with me. Therefore, I pledge my commitment to uphold the importance of kindness, first in my own life, and then in the lives of my household. I promise to do my best to instill the value of kindness in my children and among my circle of influence.

I pledge to pass on a legacy of kindness to the next generation, and to both demonstrate and teach:

  • That kindness is a virtue to be pursued.
  • That every human being deserves respect and dignity.
  • That just because someone is different, it doesn't mean they are lesser.
  • That communication can solve many problems.
  • That power is a responsibility as well as a privilege.
  • That bullying isn't just physical but can be verbal, emotional, and relational as well.
  • That we will treat others the way we want to be treated.

In short, I pledge myself to the pursuit of kindness and will do all I can to raise kids who are kind as well.

Add your name to the Kindness Pledge by entering it below.