Teaching Children How to Problem Solve
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Every school year, some kids are excited while others are anxious and worried about things that are out of their control. For example, they might worry about not liking their teacher or not having a good friend in their class. If your child has a case of the “what ifs” or is worried about something beyond their control, resist the impulse to try to solve things for them. Instead, look at the situation as a teaching opportunity to help them learn how to solve problems. A great way to do this is to ask them questions to help them problem solve on their own. Download our list of What If Questions to help guide your conversation. The key with the “what if's” is to not automatically try to fix your child's problems but to instead teach them problem solving skills they can use with the inevitable difficulties and frustrations they'll encounter as they move though life. The questions are based off of the SODAS problem-solving method, for more information on SODAS, take a look at the link below.
What If's? Questions to Help Them Work Thru Common Back to School Concerns
SODAS, A Sweet Way to Solve Problems