Top 5 Tips to Help Bully-proof Your Child
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​As your children get settled into the new school year, it is important to protect them from bullying at school. Below are five ways to bully-proof your children:
This information is included in our Guide to Dealing with Bullying.
Click here to see the rest of the guide.
- Encourage your child to develop strong, healthy friendships. Bullies are more likely to target kids who are by themselves than those in groups with friends.
- Take the time to talk to your child every day about his/her day at school. If you talk regularly, your child is more likely to open up and tell you when there is a problem.
- Take a solution-focused approach if your child indicates he/she has been a bullying target. Brainstorm possible solutions and consider the pros and cons of each option and share them with your child.
- Partner with your child's school. Approach your child's teachers and administrators and ask for their help in creating a safe learning environment.
- Communicate your love. Tell your child you are proud of him/her and that he/she always has your support.
"Parents should watch for warning signs of bullying which include: unexplainable injuries, lost or destroyed clothing, changes in eating habits, and difficulty sleeping at night," said Laura Buddenberg​, Training Director at Boys Town. "Warning signs also include a declining interest in grades, not wanting to go to school, or faking illness."
If you would like more help addressing a specific situation, trained counselors are available at the Boys Town National Hotline. Call