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Every Parent Has Questions
Our experts have answers. And we've collected them in a series of guides on a variety of popular parenting topics. Each guide contains a range of useful materials, including tips, articles, Q&As and videos. Some guides even have downloadable tools you can print to help put your new parenting skills into action.
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 | | Praise can be a powerful tool in changing negative behaviors into positive ones. We are asking parents, teachers, caregivers, and anyone involved in the life of a child to help build up the praise for our kids. | Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Mental health is a crucial factor to the wellbeing and successes of young people. By tuning in to our kid’s - and our own - mental health, we can be able to provide help when needed, and to know when to reach for more assistance. | Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Kids aren’t born with social skills, just like they’re not born knowing how to tie their shoes or feed themselves. They have to learn them. | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | The school year can be tough for any parent. Here are some tips to help you keep up with the ever-growing list of to-dos. | Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | There are different views of “right” and “wrong” with discipline. Our approach combines both positive and negative consequences. | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | One of the most important jobs we have as parents is raising children who celebrate diversity and inclusion. | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | The definition of "family" extends beyond what was once considered "traditional," to include divorce, co-parenting and reversed roles. | Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Everyone has some anxiety, but what should you do when your child's anxiety disrupts normal activities? | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | A crisis can happen at any moment. When tragedy strikes, it can be difficult for a child to process. Here's how parents can help. | Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Studies show that eating together as a family can provide numerous benefits for children, including higher self-esteem and better communication. | Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Bullying takes many forms in this day and age, and it's more common than anyone would like to admit. Learn how to protect your child. | Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Communication skills, which we call social skills, are important skills that must be taught and modeled by parents. | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | The holidays can be chaotic for everyone. This year, take some of the stress out of the holiday season with our Holiday Survival Guide. | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Potty-training can be difficult for both children and parents. We have tips on timing, techniques and advice to help both you and your child succeed. | Toddler;# |
 | | The idea that a child would engage in self-harm is often baffling to parents. Here's information to help you understand and recognize the symptoms. | Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | Substance abuse can destroy the lives not only of abusers but also families. Even innocent experimentation can lead to serious addiction problems. | Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | The teen years can be difficult. You may feel like you're talking to a brick wall. Learn how to break down barriers and open the lines of communication. | Teen;# |
 | | Coming to terms with the fact that your child is dating can be difficult for parents. Learn when and how to set boundaries. | Teen;# |
 | | During your child's game, do you curse the referee? Does your child yell at teammates? It's time to put the fun back in youth sports. | Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |
 | | The key component to protecting a child from any form of abuse is frequent and open communication. Learn how to help your children recognize signs of physical and emotional abuse. | Toddler;#Grade School;#Tween;#Teen;# |