I have a 10-year-old boy who is doing very well in school. He has excellent grades, and I get no complaints from his teachers regarding his behavior. At home, it is a different story. It seems as if he disagrees with me on everything. I remind him to take a shower… he says no. I ask him to do chores… he says no.
A while back, our son had a big breakdown and said he wanted to kill himself, so naturally my husband and I were very concerned. I talked to some friends and family members and asked them for suggestions about how we could help him. One solution my husband and I came up with was having him to do chores every other day rather than every day. The idea was to cut down on the number of days we are "harping on" him to do chores.
He is a very loving child, and truly does care about others. However, when he doesn't want to do something or gets angry, all of that kindness and caring drains out of him. The other day, he got angry with me because I put one of his shirts in the car window to block the sun for my younger daughter. He got so mad at me that he began screaming and yelling, and even hit me on the arm with his book. After about 10 minutes, he calmed down and apologized for the way he acted. He said that he made horrible decisions and that he knew it was wrong for him to act that way. So we discussed how things could have happened differently in that situation and what he could have done differently to resolve the issue calmly. But this was a rare exception. Please help!!