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Threatens to Run Away430924 Question: My 17-year-old son threatens to run away, is verbally abusive, destroys property and is manipulative. I have two younger childre...8/25/2018 12:29:38 AMMy 17-year-old son threatens to run away, is verbally abusive, destroys property and is manipulative I have two younger children at home, and I have difficulty focusing on them 1441
17-Year-Old Stepson Engaging in Illegal Activities431625 Question: I am the stepmother of a 17-year-old boy who has been living with my husband and I for two years. Prior to this, he lived with h...9/15/2017 9:15:19 PMI am the stepmother of a 17-year-old boy who has been living with my husband and I for two years Prior to this, he lived with his mother and then his grandmother 1046
3 Things To Do If Your Child Leaves Home Without Permission432323​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure your child’s safety.  So, remember to build parental authority. I...9/20/2017 1:47:40 PMAs a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure your child’s safety So, remember to build parental ​​authority If your child leaves home without permission, he is technically a 28448
Consequences for Teens432945​This information is included in our Guide to Parenting Teens. Click here to see the rest of the guide. Many parents feel that it is impossible...8/25/2018 12:40:02 AMThis information is included in our Guide to Parenting Teens Click here to see the rest of the guide Many parents feel that it is impossible to use consequences with their teenagers 2533
My Daughter is Completely Out of My Control431673My daughter is completely out of my control. I’ve tried taking away all her privileges, assigning extra chores, grounding, and taking away all friend privileges, but nothing seems to work. 8/25/2018 12:28:07 AMI've tried taking away all her privileges, assigning extra chores, grounding, and taking away all friend privileges, but nothing seems to work I've talked to her a hundred times 530
Mall safety431163 Question: My 13-year-old daughter wants to hang out with her friends at the mall on a summer weekday evening. She has a cell phone and is ...9/15/2017 9:15:32 PMMy 13-year-old daughter wants to hang out with her friends at the mall on a summer weekday evening She has a cell phone and is a good student But I feel that dropping a child off at 422
15-Year-Old Son Failing School and Becoming Aggressive with Mother431063 Question: My 15-year-old son is failing many of his classes and does not care. When his teachers offer to help him make up missed work aft...9/15/2017 9:15:19 PMMy 15-year-old son is failing many of his classes and does not care When his teachers offer to help him make up missed work after school, he doesn’t show up.  I have been in 434
Curfew for 18-year-old daughter431234 Question: What is the time limitation for an 18-year-old girl living with her parents to return home after a party? Answer: Kids ...9/15/2017 9:15:23 PMWhat is the time limitation for an 18-year-old girl living with her parents to return home after a party Kids this age naturally want to make their own decisions and resist 1248
Consequences That Fit432946 If your Tween exhibits behavior that threatens his or her safety or affects the whole family, what can you do to handle the situation effectively...8/25/2018 12:40:10 AMIf your Tween exhibits behavior that threatens his or her safety or affects the whole family, what can you do to handle the situation effectively First, seek immediate help if the 561
Teenage son’s summer activities430916 Question: It is summer vacation. How many nights a week is it reasonable for my 17- year-old son to go out? Is two nights a week appropria...9/15/2017 9:15:41 PMHow many nights a week is it reasonable for my 17- year-old son to go out Is two nights a week appropriate or too strict He works part-time and completes all of his chores he is 466