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10 Signs Your Relationship Might Be Unhealthy429292The following signs are red flags that your relationship is not healthy for you and it may be time to reevaluate the relationship all together.4/30/2018 1:58:18 PMIf you answered “Yes” to some of the questions, then you may be in an unhealthy relationship Start taking steps toward identifying how to build healthy relationships, and visit 995
Is There a ‘Magic Age’ When I Should Talk to My Kids About Sex?431166Is there a "magic age" when I should talk to my kids about sex, bullying and other serious topics?Because of social media, our kids are r...8/24/2018 11:40:40 PMIs there a "magic age" when I should talk to my kids about sex, bullying and other serious topics Because of social media, our kids are really bombarded with information regarding 729
Building Healthy Relationships432937Healthy relationships are those that involve mutual care and consideration. They make participants happy. They build up confidence and feelings of ...8/25/2018 12:39:37 AMHealthy relationships are those that involve mutual care and consideration They build up confidence and feelings of self-worth They do not make one person in the relationship feel 1343
My Teen Daughter Is Depressed and Won’t Communicate430737 Question: My daughter is 15 and her boyfriend is 16. Her boyfriend came to me last week and said, "Your daughter is really depressed,...4/30/2018 5:08:52 PMMy daughter is 15 and her boyfriend is 16 Her boyfriend came to me last week and said, "Your daughter is really depressed, and I think she may need to talk to a counselor 985
Obsessed with Her Boyfriend430752 Question: I have an 18-year-old daughter who is obsessed with her boyfriend. They have been dating for three years, and he is two-and-a-ha...11/28/2017 6:47:38 PMI have an 18-year-old daughter who is obsessed with her boyfriend They have been dating for three years, and he is two-and-a-half years older than her He is a high school dropout 2916
17-Year-Old Son Dating 13-Year-Old430796 Question: Should we forbid our 17-year-old son from dating a 13-year-old girl? Answer: When to let our children date, whom we all...8/25/2018 12:28:54 AMShould we forbid our 17-year-old son from dating a 13-year-old girl When to let our children date, whom we allow them to date and what boundaries to establish with dating are all 3141
Prom After Party432899 This information is included in our Guide to Teenage Dating. Click here to see the rest of the guide. Prom has traditionally been an evening ...8/27/2018 2:25:13 PMProm has traditionally been an evening where the party continues long after the music stops In the not-so-distant past, prom-goers found ways to celebrate until sunrise 3044
Sex, Drugs and Teens432909When children grow up, they don't always make healthy, wise choices. In fact, peer pressure and the desire to fit in, find friends and have meaning...8/25/2018 12:53:58 AMWhen children grow up, they don't always make healthy, wise choices In fact, peer pressure and the desire to fit in, find friends and have meaning in life can lead teenagers down 6042
Teaching Respect for Self and Others 433000​​kids laughingA person of character shows respect. He or she is courteous and polite and is tolerant of differences....8/25/2018 12:55:09 AMA person of character shows respect He or she is courteous and polite and is tolerant of differences He or she respects the dignity, privacy and freedom of others 2008
Prom's Real Purpose 433096​​This information is included in our Guide to Teenage Dating. Click here to see the rest of the guide. The whole purpose of prom, or any schoo...8/31/2018 9:00:19 AMThis information is included in our Guide to Teenage Dating Click here to see the rest of the guide The whole purpose of prom, or any school-sponsored formal, is to give young 4821