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How To Help Delete Cyberbullying4294597/8/2020 5:56:23 PMIncrease your awareness about technology so you are better prepared to have discussions with your child Encourage your child to share difficult experiences with you Advocate and 847
How To Deal with Your Child Being Bullied428967It’s difficult for parents when they discover their child is being bullied. The good news is that although most children in the United States experience bullying, the majority of them find ways to deal with it.7/22/2020 2:55:00 PMTalk with your child to find out for certain if her or she is being bullied, and if so, the extent of it React with compassion Assure your child that you are there to help him 472
Responsive Parenting4289902/28/2022 10:34:55 PMSeparation or divorce is one of the most emotionally disruptive events a family can face No one has all the answers, but Boys Town is here to support you on the parenting 1788
How to Promote Internet Safety in the Home429463Kids are always connected! But whether your children are on Facebook, Pinterest or whatever popular social site pops up next month, parents need to know how to keep their kids safe while online.3/18/2024 10:05:33 PMDangers of the internet may make you wish you could discard your child’s electronic devices and cancel all their online accounts But parents can impose safety measures to protect 896
How to Spend Quality Time with Your Children4289734/2/2020 7:32:01 PMSet aside one day a week when the whole family does something special together Plan special gatherings with grandparents and other relatives Have regular family meetings where 475
How To Create a Technology-Alternative Lifestyle in Your Home428966While some parents may long for the days of limited technology and no cell phones, that is not the norm for kids today.7/22/2020 2:54:01 PMMake “together time" a habit Share responsibilities and chores Get active Set realistic, meaningful limits on technology use Be a role model for your kids Open the 408
How To Parent the Picky Eater to Make Mealtime More Enjoyable4294624/23/2020 3:10:22 PMEliminate the possibility that health problems are causing bad eating habits Establish rules for a family-style meal Establish a set of mealtime rules for your child Praise 1051
Family Exercise Tips During Coronavirus429315With schedules and routines turned upside-down, you may be wondering how to fit daily exercise into your new “normal”.3/23/2020 7:19:30 PMWith schedules and routines turned upside-down, you may be wondering how to fit daily exercise into your new “normal After a busy day working from home, schooling kids, making 684
Today's Family430138We live in a new age and not all families are considered “traditional.” Today’s families are facing divorce, co-parenting, single parenting, blended families and reversed parenting roles.8/25/2018 1:01:48 AMDuring a Divorce, How Do I Let My Kids Know Everything Will Be Okay The definition of "family" extends beyond what was once considered "traditional," to include divorce 1994
Catch Them Being Good430498 By Amanda McLean, Ph.D., Supervising Psychologist and Assistant Training Director,Boys Town Center for Behavioral Health​ To improve ...2/28/2019 2:43:19 PMBy Amanda McLean, Ph.D., Supervising Psychologist and Assistant Training Director, Boys Town Center for Behavioral Health To improve your communication and your 1406