ParentingResults Page Content It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. How to Get Your Child to Listen and Follow Directions428970Poor listening is one of the most common concerns expressed by parents. Parents can help get their children to listen the first time by making a few simple changes in the way you teach and give commands.3/9/2020 8:21:23 PMgo back to green and repeat the instruction because the task still needs to get done Give age-appropriate instructions – The instructions you give should be for things your 31965 do I get my 14-year-old who has ADD to participate in counseling?431503My 14-year-old son with ADD won’t participate in counseling. What can I do?2/24/2021 8:27:49 PMI need help getting my 9th-grade son to participate in counseling I'm a single mom and for this ADD ADHD Behavioral Disorders Child Development Defiant Following Instructions Q&A 590 do you get kids to do their homework during the pandemic and online school?4315072/24/2021 8:21:15 PMMy daughter is having problems with her daughter (11) and son (15) who are refusing to do homework My grandson is failing all classes Education Following Instructions Homework 291