How to Get Your Child to Listen and Follow Directions | 428970 | Poor listening is one of the most common concerns expressed by parents. Parents can help get their children to listen the first time by making a few simple changes in the way you teach and give commands. | | 3/9/2020 8:21:23 PM | When kids are having fun, they want to keep having fun Parents often say they need to repeat requests, threaten or raise their voice to get their child to do what they have asked | 38814 | | html | False | aspx | |
How to Give Clear Instructions to Children | 428972 | Does getting your child to do something feel like an impossible task? One of the reasons may be the way you’re giving an instruction. | | 3/5/2020 9:27:16 PM | Let your child know what you want him or her to do rather than not to do. When you only describe a negative behavior like Don't ask, tell – Do not ask your child to do something | 4845 | | html | False | aspx | |
How to Get Your Children to Do Their Homework | 428965 | Parents can help children be more successful in school by taking an active interest in homework and being supportive of study time. | | 3/5/2020 9:25:59 PM | If your child seems to consistently be spending long periods of time doing homework, check with your child's teacher(s) to see if this matches the teacher's expectations | 2710 | | html | False | aspx | |
How to Get Your Child to Stop Whining | 428971 | | | 3/5/2020 3:29:16 PM | whining
Never give children what they want when they are whining
The best way to respond when children are whining is to say you don’t understand them
Silence is | 14175 | | html | False | aspx | |
How to Promote Internet Safety in the Home | 429463 | Kids are always connected! But whether your children are on Facebook, Pinterest or whatever popular social site pops up next month, parents need to know how to keep their kids safe while online. | | 3/18/2024 10:05:33 PM | Dangers of the internet may make your child’s only social outlet or way to make friends, you may need to start giving negative consequences in order to change their behaviors | 1054 | | html | False | aspx | |
How To Help Delete Cyberbullying | 429459 | | | 7/8/2020 5:56:23 PM | Just when you feel like you have Often, the best approach for parents is to be present for their children and listen to what they have to say without immediately offering solutions | 989 | | html | False | aspx | |
How to Effectively Tell Your Child “No” | 428969 | | | 6/16/2020 3:34:10 PM | granted that children have an inborn ability to respond to “No” — they don’t. So after you have issued one “No” — that’s right, one “No” — you need to take action | 609 | | html | False | aspx | |
How to Spend Quality Time with Your Children | 428973 | | | 4/2/2020 7:32:01 PM | Time spent together means opportunities for you to teach, for your children to learn and for both of you to strengthen your loving, nurturing relationship Set aside one day a week | 557 | | html | False | aspx | |
How To Parent the Picky Eater to Make Mealtime More Enjoyable | 429462 | | | 4/23/2020 3:10:22 PM | Ask the doctor to weigh and measure your child and have the doctor show you how to plot out a standard growth chart Children's cookbooks are available to help with meal planning | 1114 | | html | False | aspx | |
How To Track Your Teen’s School Progress | 428975 | | | 7/8/2020 5:56:00 PM | Have you been shocked to discover your teen is failing only after it was too late to salvage the quarter or semester grade Boys Town gives kids a safe, caring environment to develop | 693 | | html | False | aspx | |