Tantrums and little kids will happen no matter where you are and you handle them like you do anywhere else. First of all, you do good teaching before you sit down so your kids know what you expect at the dinner table. Next, you want to limit distractions. A good general rule for the family table is that whether it is breakfast or dinner, everybody puts their electronics away. The video game consoles, the smart phones, the television set and movies, you just turn it all off. Unplug. Some families even set up a big bowl either in the middle of the table or off to the side where you just drop in your electronics when you sit down. That will keep kids more engaged in what's happening at the table and less likely to have a tantrum.
It's a good idea to always try and have at least one thing on the plate that you know your child likes. It doesn't mean you don't want your kids to try new things but then they do have something they can eat. Make sure to pay attention to them and include them in the conversation. If they do have a little moment or a meltdown, you just want to look at them and talk to them about what they're doing. Keep your voice calm and very soft and then help them take a minute. Maybe sing the "ABCs", have them count to five with you or pretend to blow out pretend candles. Anything that sort of calms them down a little bit, and then you just pick up where you left off and keep going.