How involved should I be with my children's homework? How can I ensure that my kids aren't using the computer or other technology to copy someone else's reports or papers, or cheat in other ways?
I think that trying to figure out how involved you need to be with homework and also making sure that with electronics there is not cheating going on, it is difficult and it comes down to monitoring. You don't want to be that helicopter parent where you're over their shoulder all the time but checking in on them, being around and being available is really important and also daily check-ins. With younger kids you are checking their backpacks and you are checking their agenda and that helps set the mood and set the occasion for helping them. It also sends a message that you care and you want to be here to help. With older kids you are going to have to check in with them and check grades online. It is not a perfect system. If it shows that there is a missing assignment then the grade maybe just isn't in the system yet so do not jump to conclusions. That is why you have to have an open line of communication with your kid.