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In the situation with your daughter, we suggest it would be best to let your daughter determine if her friend is someone she wants to be friends with or not. If you were to tell her not to be friends with the girl, your daughter may become defensive, and it could push her towards the girl more. Instead, here are some things we suggest that might help:
- Ask your daughter what she thinks her friend's goal was in asking the question about the skirt in front of their friends. What does your daughter believe her friend's intentions were?
- Have your daughter ask her friend if she realized when she asked the question that the skirt was in her closet—that way, if her friend lies, your daughter can make better decisions about the friendship.
- Suggest to your daughter she might want to be cautious about what she shares with this friend, including being too personal since it sounds like her friend might be a risk to tell others about what is shared, even though your daughter thought she could confide in her.
It's also important as a parent to teach kids about positive qualities in friends and how to surround themselves with positive support. It can be hard to talk with teenagers sometimes about these things because they can get defensive, say you are lecturing them, etc. It might be more effective to give her a few resources to look at. The first is the website Your Life, Your Voice . It is through Boys Town and is specifically for teens and young adults to explore and learn about different topics they might be struggling with, such as friendships. There is also a 24/7 toll-free phone number on the website for the Boys Town National Hotline, as well as a number she can text during certain hours to talk to a Crisis Counselor. Here is a page from the website about healthy friendships: Healthy Relationships
Finally, there is also a book available, A Good Friend: How to Make One, How to be One, from the Boys Town Press about friendships that is another resource she could use to help with the situation. It's not that she doesn't have to be friends with her, because it sounds like she is someone your daughter cares about; however, your daughter should feel empowered to make positive choices.
We are so glad you reached out for support today. We are here by phone 24/7 year round at the number below or by email.
Boys Town Hotline
Phone: 1-800-448-3000