If a crisis occurs is it OK to act like nothing happened?
When a crisis happens and hits the news or social media or the rumor mill in the neighborhood, is it okay just to pretend it didn't happen? As a general rule, no because kids see and hear things. It's pretty hard to keep kids away from things these days.
On the flip side, you don't need to sort of go supernova and make a big, huge deal out of it. You need to ask your child if they're familiar with what went on, if they have any thoughts or questions about it, and then operate on your child's cues from there. Maybe it really hasn't been a big deal to them, and you don't need to talk about it at all.
The other thing is if you notice that your child is acting different, seems anxious or worried, trouble sleeping, trouble eating, that kind of thing, you definitely want to ask about it under those circumstances.